About a week ago, a L33 Berlin Corps idiot attacked one of our L32 bases. They got a little but not much, and attacked with both Offensive and Defensive players. The idiots sent eveyone they had and thus exposed themselves. Our Brother pulled his offensive units from their safe haven within a few minutes of the attack and followed them home. He wiped out everyone. So next, the Berlin Corps sends 3 attacking armies against our bro (without scouting). They are all L42-48, smug yet clueless.
Since they attacked from 1 1/2 hours away defensive reinforcements arrived. 750 defenders, 50 ships, etc. They lost close to 700 in the process and have not attacked us since. This is how you deal with bullies. Be smarter, set them up, and destroy.
For about a month one of our players was being hounded by this Rum Runner, Madriaga. He attacked every day, usually for very little; and forced our bro to build and then move everything to a safe haven before logging out. One night, our friend was consumed by too much rum and when he woke up the next day all his pirates and ships were dead. Lesson learned.
After a week or two, and adding lots of Dutchmen, he goaded his attacker (the Rum Runner Madriaga) into attacking him after insults and sending 3 small insignificant attack parties. Since all failed, Madriaga pulled his 750 attack units from their safe haven who had very limited defensive capabilities and we killed over 500. He will cry after his losses and Daddy will give him his credit card to buy back into the game, so we will kill him again. But our goal was actually to have him attack our Libertalia stronghold of 2500 defensive units, 50 ships, and over 100 Dutchmen. We are still waiting....